Over 30 open-minded beings joined us for a gorgeous weekend at Canmore Opera House for a variety of healing sessions including a cacao ceremony, breathwork, crystal bowl sound bath, yin yoga and much more. Lots of discovery and connections were had. A beautiful Eye on Wellness keepsake canvas bag loaded with treats including a custom candle from Camp Four and products from local Rocky Mountain Soap. We can't wait to come back next year...stay tuned!
Presenter links are below for those wishing to reach out:
Erica Holmes: https://sportsphysioyyc.janeapp.com/
IG: @sportsphysioyyc; Email: ericaholmesphysio@gmail.com
Kim Marchuck: www.transcendingnutrition.com
Nadia Ban Doren: www.nadiavandoren.dance
Meg Badger: www.intuitivehealingwithmeg.com
IG: @intuitivehealingwithmeg FB: Intuitive Healing with Meg
Bonnie Bridges: @bonniebridgesyoga
Eric MacNaughton: www.intotheunknown.ca
Rebecca Robertson: www.earthangelenergetics.ca
Spotify playlist links for Erica & Bonnie's sessions below:
For participants, a reminder to complete quick survey here.
Coaching Sessions: Are you prepared to embrace a positive change? If that's the case, let's collaborate and schedule your complimentary coaching session today at Calendly - Aundrea Sebjanic.